We are starting a membership


I started the blog four years ago after I had photographed a group of solid waste workers on the west side of South Bend during their morning route, and I needed a place to tell their story.

Since it began, that work has grown from my randomly published photo stories to podcasts, article series, and short films from a small group of contributors.

I’m more optimistic than ever about the possibilities for West.SB. And I believe that building a community of people invested in its future will jumpstart new projects, improve what we are publishing, and help us connect with new people.

As an early member, you will be on the bleeding edge of our experiments, successes, and failures. You will see what we see as we experience new places and chronicle the city’s history.

We want to make postcards, unreasonably long cuts of footage from film shoots, post-covid gatherings, controversial opinions, and some of these things will be exclusive to members, as well as early access to any new merch.

Consider joining us. Feel welcome to email me with any questions.